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Stripping and re-sealing exposed aggregate concrete

In order to maintain a good appearance and functionality, concrete surfaces that have been sealed with a coating type sealer should be pressure cleaned and re-coated every 12 to 18 months.  Unfortunately, before you know it, it is 3 to 5 years later and the sealed concrete surface is looking very stained, yellowed and dirty.  In these instances there is a good chance that the sealer is permanently impregnated with staining and will need to be completely stripped and then resealed..a timely and costly process.  Below is an example of a sealed exposed aggregate concrete surface that needed stripping and then re-sealing.  Notice all the stains and dirt that are lodged in the sealer prior to stripping, the majority of which were able to be removed during the stripping process.

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate - BEFORE

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate – BEFORE

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate - AFTER

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate – AFTER

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate - BEFORE

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate – BEFORE

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate - AFTER

Strip & re-seal exposed aggregate – AFTER


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